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Sponsoring at this Conference is a great way to introduce your company to the industry and meet new customers. Please review the level of opportunities and items to sponsor listed below.

For more information contact Barbara Curtis at [email protected] or +1 (703) 295-6286.

Exhibitor & sponsor prospectus (.PDF)

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum — $10,000

  • Welcome Reception (Sunday) & Networking Reception (Tuesday): Highlight your organization during the first official event of the conference; the Welcome Reception. Then enjoy a second opportunity during the Tuesday evening Networking Reception to interact with potential customers. These events will be held in the Exhibit Hall, where attendees, surrounded by exhibitors, will recognize your company as their generous host.

Gold — $7,500

  • All Exhibit Hall Lunches: Highlight your organization at all of the lunches held in the exhibit hall of the Conference.

Silver — $5,000

  • Hotel Key Cards: Put your organization’s brand or logo into each attendee’s hands at the GeoenvironMeet 2024 by sponsoring hotel key cards.
  • GeoenvironMeet Smartphone App: Sponsor the GeoenvironMeet app and get your company recognized on all smartphones.
  • Opening Plenary: Introduce your brand to conference attendees during the Opening Plenary. You’ll be given 2 minutes at the lectern to give a quick welcome and show an informative slide.
  • All Networking Breaks: Always good networking opportunities, refreshment breaks also serve as an opportunity to make your brand more memorable to attendees in need of a quick pick-me-up before heading off to the next technical session.

Bronze — $3,000

  • Conference Lanyards: Have your company’s logo seen on everyone and by everyone at GeoenvironMeet 2024. Sponsored by CTI and Associates
  • Single Exhibit Hall Lunch: Highlight your organization at one of the lunches held in the exhibit hall of the Conference.
  • Single Bar Sponsorship: Get your company noticed by sponsoring one of the bars during the Welcome Reception or Networking Reception.

Copper — $1,500

  • Single Networking Break: Make your brand more memorable to attendees as they refuel and head off to the next session.
  • Full Page Ad in Program: Get your company’s ad in the hands of every attendee. The conference program will be posted on the conference website and handed out to every attendee.
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